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Rochester, NY

Rochester's Community Wishbook


Camp Haccamo

PO Box 25177
Rochester, NY 14625
Phone: 585-381-5710
Contact: Dolly Kujawa

Since 1956, the Rotarians of Monroe County have operated Camp Haccamo.  The camp is held at the Rochester Rotary Sunshine Camp in Rush, New York for two weeks in August and provides a free, safe and most importantly fun social camping opportunity for children and young adults with special needs. Each week of camp includes an overnight camping experience, with a ratio of one counselor per two campers.  It is a chance for a respite for the camper’s families and there are special events like the Carnival Night, Talent Show and Prom.  

Wish List:
  • postage stamps
  • construction paper, markers, crayons
  • copier paper
  • gift cards: Wegmans, Tops, Staples, Dollar General, Amazon, Visa, Target, Walmart
  • vinyl gloves (medium and large)
  • door alarms: Lowe's, Home Depot
  • servicing of two-way radios
  • lanyards
  • carnival items: dunk tank, games, prizes, popcorn machine, cotton candy machine, etc.
  • donations toward staff shirts: we provide two shirts per staff, one short sleeve and one tank top
  • food for staff training weekend
  • nursing supplies: gallon Ziploc bags, antibacterial soap, Oximeter, wound wash spray

Information reviewed by agency 10/17/24. (Information is correct.)

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